Buffalo People: Past, Present & Future
About Us
The Friends of the Buffalo Story is a citizen based-organization whose work is rooted in the belief that a good city is one in which people are connected to their past and that the best and most effective way to secure that connection is through the creation and implementation of site-specific, heritage-based place-making strategies. The goal of our work is to integrate heritage and place-making by connecting people to their story at the places where those stories took place.
Our Mission
Heritage-based, site-specific place-making is essentially about community building. By connecting people to their history at the specific place where that history occurred , we believe that we can build a platform for a sustainable economic and community development, a program of population retention which, by encouraging a place-based strategy for learning about our past, will create stakeholders for the future.
Our work consists of the following activities:
1. Heritage-based master planning.
2. The development of place-based, site-specific arts and cultural programs that strengthen The Buffalo Story and help infuse it into our daily lives.
3. The creation of a place-based digital infrastructure that will tie people to their story and the place that it took place regardless of their physical location.
4. Working with local schools and colleges in the creation of site-specific, heritage-based place-making learning activities that can be integrated into existing curricula.
5. Working with community groups and organizations, helping them to create strategies that integrate heritage into the texture of their neighborhood landscapes.